Fields of Practice

Commitment, ethics, and value added services

At Erramuspe Carosella our objective is to provide prompt professional answers to most of your legal needs, from commercial, civil, labor, customs as well as matters related to both the national and provincial government administrations.

Our transparency, discretion, confidentiality and our professionalism constitute the platform over which E&C performs it´s day to day operations.

Our clients and their needs constitute our main challenge in order to bring about they complete satisfaction and reward.

Fields of Practice

Action and mediation of contentious and disputed matters

Debt recovery, disputes and general contentious issues

Labor Law, legislation, settlement

Block chain Technology, Smart contract Security Token, Crowd funding

Corporate projects tied into ecological social sustainable benefits

Construction developments along with real estate advice and counsel, presentations of trust funds to operate in this field


Bankruptcies, benefits and obligations

Tax benefits, investment tax credits. Customs laws and advantages

Family owned enterprises

Mergers and acquisitions, foreign investment into local solid corporations

Brands, intellectual property laws

Bids and tenders within sectors of our strength

Other Services and affiliate offices

Business visas, diverse project planning and structuring up to implementation, franchising, Real Estate, constitution of Corporations and Trust Funds among other services provided at the following cities:

  • Miami, FLA
  • Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Asuncion, Paraguay
  • New York, NY
  • Madrid, Spain
  • London, U.K.